Year 5 Forest school

The last two weeks in forest school, Year 5 have been continuing to develop their skills in knotwork, and I’ve introduced the square lashing to them. This is a useful knot for real life, raft building, ladder building, den building, roof rack tying…!!!  The groups spent last week learning the knot and this week revising it and putting it in context- they worked in pairs and made photo frames!

As well as this we talked a lot about the way the woods have changed over the weeks; the canopy is in full leaf, Spring plants and flowers are abundant, and we’ve observed and heard many birds, bugs and beasties.  The children were particularly enamoured with the huge number of snails that were about this week, and many of them were named and befriended before being returned to their original habitats with care.   Marshmallows have been toasted and hot chocolate guzzled.

Year 5 have started their Forest school learning this week with a key skill; learning to tie a clove hitch knot, this is the basis for many of the lashings we are going to be learning over the next few weeks for building dens and structures.  The children learnt how to make a ‘rollercoaster’ shape with the rope before hooking it over a stick or pole. We then put this in context, building ridge line shelters with tarpaulins.

We took time to remember the plants in the woods, especially noticing poisonous species, Arum Maculatum, and the spring species that are appearing.

Finally the children learnt how to cook campfire toast and spread butter and jam on it, thoroughly enjoying the experience.


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