Year 4 in the Forest, Autumn 2022

Since last year our focus was all about history and bushcraft skills based on a Stone age curriculum focus, this term we are focusing on teamwork as part of our big idea based on community.  We started our weeks in the woods with work on empathy and excitement- building obstacle courses for each other and then guiding our friends (and teachers!) around them blindfolded. We thought about the communication skills, trust and empathy that this would entail and developed our school value of relationships.

This week we have been using the willow that we grow on the school field to work on our weaving skills- this builds from work in Year 2 where the children made a large willow hurdle and practised weaving wool onto willow pegs in the ground.  The trivet takes more strength, dexterity and planning, children start with a hoop and then need to self select the correct thicknesses of withy to pair together to weave. There is more work to do on these, so we will have the chance to reflect on learning and revisit the project next week…

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